>>> Swaleh.intro
Hi, my name is Swaleh[Swal-Eh]. A lot of people call me Swal. I am an avid maker, hacker, roboticist, up-cycler, and mentor.
>>> Swaleh.interests
I like to design and build things. I spend my free time tinkering with robots, 3D printers, motorcycles, and other neat stuff. My major interests are Industry 4.0, flexible manufacturing, adaptive robotics, IoT, and STEAM Education advocacy.
>>> Swaleh.home
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Kitimat, British Columbia, Canada.
>>> Swaleh.education
Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering with CO-OP at McMaster University
>>> Swaleh.work_exp.recent
Design Resident FEB. 2023 - JUL. 2023
@ Formlabs, Somerville MA, (Full Time)
=> Designing novel devices that demonstrate the unique capabilities of Formlabs 3D printers.
Junior Technical Consultant NOV. 2021 - APR. 2022
@ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Kigali Rwanda, (Full Time)
=> Provided technical support with 3D printers to help Rwandese entrepreneurs improve local business practices.
=> Built and deployed machines that recycled plastic bottles into 3D printer filament.
Software Engineer MAY. 2021 - AUG. 2021
@ Righthand Robotics, Somerville MA, (Full Time)
=> Used BitBucket, Jira, and Agile methodology to successfully complete tasks within sprint deadlines.Autodesk AI Lab, in the Office of the CTO.
Adaptive Robotics Research Intern MAY. 2020 - AUG. 2020
@ Autodesk Research, San Francisco CA, (Full Time)
=> Interned at the Autodesk AI Lab, in the Office of the CTO.
=> Built cross-platform Python and C++ tools for simulating adaptive robots (UR10, Kuka KR-60).
=> Developed a demonstration of a dual flexible manufacturing cell that manufactures wooden palettes.
=> Designed fixtures and mounting brackets for industrial robots, using Autodesk Inventor.
CS Teaching Assistant JAN. 2020 - APR. 2021
@ McMaster University, Hamilton ON, (Part Time)
=> Independently leading tutorials on Python 3.
=> Effectively administering course JupyterHub server and routinely writing Python scripts to manage course grades.
=> Successfully transitioned to teaching online due to COVID-19 lockdown.
Instructional Assistant SEPT. 2019 - APR. 2020
@ MacPherson Institute, Hamilton ON, (Part Time)
=> Investigated flexible manufacturing techniques by developing a 3D printer machine tending cell.
=> Designed and built a ceramic 3D printer.
Controls Engineering Intern MAY. 2019 - AUG. 2019
@ Innovative Automation Inc., Barrie ON, (Full Time)
=> Wrote PLC ladder logic for a robotic trim cell that manufactures components for the 2019 Toyota Highlander (Fanuc M-20iA robots, TwinCAT 2).
=> Developed visually appealing and easy to use HMI, with Indusoft Web Studio 7.1.
=> Developed an interactive Tic-Tac-Toe playing robot for the company to demonstrate at conference booths.
Industry 4.0 Research Assistant DEC. 2018 - APR. 2020
@ Learning Factory, Hamilton ON, (Part Time)
=> Assisted with research projects at the Learning Factory, an Academic Industry 4.0 Research Lab.
=> Investigated flexible manufacturing techniques by developing a 3D printer machine tending cell.
=> Designed and built a ceramic 3D printer.
Research Assistant SEPT. 2018 - APR. 2020
@ McMaster University, Hamilton ON, (Part Time)
=> Worked directly with Dr. Elizabeth Hassan (Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering) to investigate experiential learning techniques.
=> Successfully designed focus group sessions and surveys to collect useful data.
CAD Teaching Assistant SEPT. 2018 - APR. 2019
@ McMaster University, Hamilton ON, (Part Time)
=> Provided assistance to first year engineering technical design and CAD couse.
=> Successfully taught students to use Autodesk Inventor CAD software during weekly lab tutorials.
=> Maintained and provided regular updates to course marking software(CADGrader) with SQL, Python, and JavaScript.
Lab Technician MAY 2018 - AUG. 2018
@ McMaster University, Hamilton ON, (Full Time)
=> Supervised and directly managed day-to-day activities in McMaster 3D Printing Lab.
=> Developed autonomous 3D printer for Industry 4.0 applications.
Instructorial Internship SEPT. 2017 - APR. 2018
@ McMaster University, Hamilton ON, (Full Time)
=> Worked directly with course professors to teach university engineering course (ENG 1C03).
=> Independently taught over 500 hundred students by running tutorial and lab classes.
=> Exercised management skills while directing over 20 Teaching Assistants.
Educational Software Developer MAY 2017 - AUG. 2017
@ McMaster University, Hamilton ON, (Full Time)
=> Indepdently designed, built, and deployed a software application(CADGrader) that autonomously marks course assignments.
=> CADGrader is used by all first year engineering students at McMaster University.
=> Front End: JQuery, Electron, Three.js.
=> Back End: Node.JS, Python, AJAX, MySQL, PHP.
=> Presented at: Kitchener MakerExpo 2017, Hamilton MakerFestival 2017, Toronto Maker Festival 2018, PyCon Canada 2018.
>>> Swaleh.goals
=> Implementing technological solutions that automate boring and menial tasks.
=> Promoting experential learning and making STEAM education more accessible.
=> Proving that hospitality is indigenous to every culture.